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Extension to Valpar factory, Bangor

QMAC Construction > Extension to Valpar factory, Bangor

Extension to Valpar factory, Bangor

The project involved the construction of an extension to a production area, as well as a new office extension, and associated siteworks.

Substructure work involved the grubbing up of existing hard standing and soft standing areas to receive new pad foundation bases, strip foundation bases, and new ground floor slabs.

The construction of the new pallet store extension involved:

  • The erection of structural steel portal frames with strip / pad foundations.
  • External cavity wall construction.
  • Composite metal roof and wall cladding systems.
  • Insitu concrete ground floor slabs.
  • Installation of internal dock leveller facility.
  • A new Internal lorry loading pit and new vehicular insulated roller shutter door.
  • Pedestrian access & fire exit doors including internal & external pedestrian barriers and railing systems.
  • Alterations to the existing roof cladding system for new roof purlins, and the removal of existing roof panels for the installation of new boundary wall gutter, and an internal siphonic roof drainage system.

The construction of new office extension involved:

  • Concrete strip foundations.
  • External insulated cavity wall construction.
  • Insulated flat roof construction to match the existing, including windows & doors.
  • Alteration work to an existing office corridor to remove an existing window and enlarge the opening for access to the new office extension, including tying into existing flat roof.

Two keys challenges successfully overcome during the project were:

  1. Significant breaking out of the bed-rock strata was required to reach foundation level, and then further down to reach reduced level for the Dock Leveller and external ramp.
  2. There were severe space restrictions. The new extension is just 1.2m away from the vertical rock face. This occurred on two elevations.


Project title

Extension to Valpar factory, Bangor